
Morse & friend

Sunday 18 August 2024

Daylesford Winter Dispatch - Sunday, 18th August 2024

So that's why dogs gravitate towards sunny patches to sleep!

We started our week with a fun Sunday. After the Daylesford Market, we met Fiona & Les & their dog, Brodie, at the Cemetery, where we strolled around in the sunshine, catching up on news, while Morse & Brodie played chasey to their heart's content. We then drove to Kyneton, where the daffodils are out in force, and stopped at their Woolworth's to see if they had packets of Tassal Smoked Salmon pieces for cooking as Coles no longer stocks them. Hooray, we were in luck and I snaffled all 9 packets with glee. Dinner that night was Wes's signature dish of spaghetti & smoked salmon, and we couldn't get enough of it. Neither the spaghetti nor the salmon has been available for about 3 months. 

Carlton just didn't turn up in their must-win game against the Hawks that afternoon. Wes was so disgusted he stopped watching before half-time, which was probably good, as things only got worse!

On Monday, after I had done the weekly shopping, we had a chat about our meals and decided to do a little tweaking. Tuesdays used to be curry nights, but since my geographic tongue issue, chillies have been off the menu. I need bland meals and Wes is longing for more interesting fare. While I was out after our chat, I visited the Wombat Hill Nursery and bought three pink lavender bushes, plus two punnets of pleasure - primula & pansies, which were all planted after the mowing had been done. 

Glorious pink camellia given to us by Marjorie Atkinson many years ago

On Tuesday, I visited my optometrist again, and we decided to go ahead with cataract surgery on my left eye. I've made an appointment with a specialist in a fortnight's time, and hope that the surgery can happen in plenty of time before we drive to Adelaide for the Test against India in December. Meanwhile Wes & Morse went for a drive to Trentham to collect horse manure for the roses and came home with plenty. 

The hellebores covering Lewis's grave have really loved this Winter & are looking very happy indeed

On Wednesday, I decided to see how I would pull up if I did 100kms driving, as I feel guilty not sharing the drive to and from Leanne in Strathmore. I set off at 7.30am; "stole" some lemons locally; delivered newspapers to Spring Park Nursery in Eganstown for their bare-rooted roses; drove to Ballan to drop off lemons & jars for Rob & Dene, and finished up with a trip to Porcupine Ridge to leave Epicures & The Local for the Massaros. 

I arrived back at Muffins & More early, so had tea and a toastie, while waiting for Judi to play Mah Jong. We had a fun morning, each winning games and I came home. After lunch, I found I was too exhausted to sit up and went to bed at 2pm. It seems that 100kms is too far to drive at present!

The latest crop of beanies - the purple beret got lost in the background!

As it was warm on Thursday morning, 9° at 6am, I joined Wes & Morse on their early morning walk at Daylesford Cemetery. Morse was so excited to see me getting dressed, putting on boots and getting in the car with him, he couldn't stop "talking". We all enjoyed it and the sunrise was spectacular. 

Wes had a 7am Zoom with Paul Jackson in the UK and when he finished, it was time for my fortnightly catch up with Terry Borg, in Burwood. We had a most enjoyable chat and the time flew by too quickly. I grabbed a pot of tea before my next Zoom - Old Friends - where Karen S had the exciting news that her daughter, Celia, had given birth to a daughter the day before. Maeve Winter arrived safely and has been very warmly welcomed by her older sisters, Isla & Olive.

Wes had a most enjoyable lunch at the Pig & Whistle Hotel in East Trentham, with old school friend, Leo Jeffers, who was visiting from America, and brought along another old St Bernard's boy, Michael Brasher. The food was good, the place was busy and the publican made himself known to Wes before apologising that Fox Footy was showing a replay of the Carlton/Hawthorn game on their big screen!

On Friday, after my Zoom chat with Leanne, and during a break in the rain, I drove to Ballarat to visit Kathmandu and replace my two black vests with new models, which I did successfully. I picked up a bottle of Jameson whisky for Wes while I was there, which went over well on my return. 

It was Wes's turn to drive to Ballarat yesterday morning. He went to the freezer under the house and discovered we were out of fish, so made an emergency trip with Morse to replenish supplies. Whenever he goes to Ballarat, he always visits Golden Nugget Bakery and picks up a couple of vanilla slices. Yum 😋😋

Late in the afternoon, Collingwood played Brisbane at the MCG, and after being headed all game, won it in the last 3 minutes, in a very exciting finish. Thanks to everyone who sent me messages, I appreciated them all. St Kilda managed to beat Geelong that night, which was most unexpected, and we continue to be unsure of the make up of the Final Eight with one round to play. 

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