
Morse & friend

Sunday 9 June 2024

Daylesford Winter Dispatch - Sunday, 9th June 2024

Well, this wasn't the week we had expected. Last Sunday, I realised that I wouldn't be well enough to travel to Rye the next day, let alone want to leave our home comforts to feel sick at someone else's place. Wes offered the stay to our good friends, Kathy & Ged Lazzaro, and we were both delighted when they were able to accept. Back in the late 80s to mid 90s, we shared a holiday home at Blairgowrie with Sherryn & Paul Danaher, and the Lazzaros were frequent welcome visitors there.

Pearse Road backbeach, view from Rye accommodation & glasses of rosé to start the holiday

By Sunday night, Wes was starting to cough too, so we knew we had made the right decision! He, of course, couldn't go to bed, as he had to cook meals and walk Morse, who was still confused that we hadn't gone to the Daylesford Market that morning.

On Monday, Wes did the supermarket shopping at Coles, visited Yvonne at Wheat Sheaf, where she had most of the fruit & vegetables that we usually buy, and dropped in to Tonna's on the way back to pick up what he hadn't been able to get. Morse was delighted to see Yvonne, was given a pear, and allowed to run around her front yard, much to his delight.

Late Tuesday morning, tickets went on sale for the Adelaide Day/Night Test against India in December this year. I managed to get in to Ticketek quickly, but couldn't purchase anything, which was so frustrating. After 75 minutes, I stopped for lunch and the minute I did that, I got in through on my phone and could finally get tickets for the first 4 days. Such a relief! We already have our accommodation booked and getting tickets should have been the easy part. 

We both cancelled most of our Zooms for the week, as neither of us was in a fit state to chat with anyone. I let our neighbour, James, know so that he didn't come knocking on the door, as we don't want to give this to anyone. Our other neighbour, Glen, had it for three weeks, and we stayed well clear of her, but managed to pick it up anyway. It was her turn to stay away from us.

Morse keeping me company while I watch games of footy!

Thank God for all the books we bought at Clunes Booktown, as well as Foxtel with all the games of footy being shown. We've both been most appreciative. 

We were very sorry to read that a Daylesford friend, David Linney-Barber had died last weekend. I first met him in 2000, when he & Lyndall Jenkin were married and running a B&B. Lyndall was working at her parents' business - Jenkin & Thomas, which was a hardware store that later branched into electrical goods. She was a fount of knowledge when I was living here during the week and needed to give Holly Cottage some running repairs. We are still good friends and keep in touch daily.

As well, Barbara Simpson's cat, Bobby, unexpectedly had a stroke, and had to be put down. He has been a good friend to her over many years and will be much missed. 

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