
Morse & friend

Sunday 27 November 2022

Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 27th November, 2022

Dog owners can all relate to this!

It was wild & woolly last Sunday, but Wes managed to walk Morse & we both went to the Market without getting too wet. We did feel sorry for the stall-holders, who lose lots of customers when it is cold & raining unexpectedly in November. 

On Monday, Wes & Morse managed a walk before the rain came back down and I did the grocery shop at Coles - an inexpensive one as the shelves were bare of quite a few of the items on our list. Later I had a massage with Sarah, which did me the world of good & I felt more energised than I had since COVID struck us. The rain squalled around all day, punctuated by moments of sunshine. 

Wes & Morse tucked up for the afternoon

It was wet again on Tuesday, but Wes & Morse got a lap of Lake Daylesford done before it started pouring. I had Zoom chats with Jeff, Leanne & Jan & finished the morning with a lovely facial at EKO. 

On Wednesday, Wes & Morse had a moist walk early, and while I played Mah Jong with Judi, Wes vacuumed & washed the floors. Morse doesn't enjoy being locked out while this goes on, so he was pleased when I arrived back home & we were both allowed inside. 

In the afternoon Wes participated in two Zoom meetings - firstly Hepburn Matters, followed by our local ALP Branch Meeting. Two of the movers & shakers had come down with COVID, so there needed to be some tweaking of the duty roster for yesterday's Victorian State election. 

The next day I enjoyed a good chat with old friends - Kathy, Karen, Lib & Joyce before going in search of large Christmas serviettes in Daylesford for Leanne - I had no luck whatsoever & am only hoping that she has some tucked away in a cupboard that we find this morning when we visit. 

Friday was spent making Christmas puddings. Wes came up with the brilliant suggestion that I turn the mixture into two puddings as we don't really need the extra large size anymore, especially when there are only three of us having Christmas lunch together this year. 

Luckily, Judi had given me quite a lot of unbleached calico a few years ago & I could easily produce two pudding cloths. Morse didn't know what to do - the Sunbeam Mixmaster was going strong in the kitchen & Wes was mowing outside - he really doesn't like loud noises & ended up in the laundry, wishing he had ear-muffs I am sure.

Yesterday was the Victorian State Election. Along with lots of others we voted early, using the postal vote facility. However, Wes really enjoys handing out How to Vote cards, so he did the 10-12 shift at Daylesford Primary School and 2-4pm at Yandoit. He caught up with lots of friends & came home with news from them all. I visited the Daylesford Farmers' Market, but didn't fit in the Daylesford Agricultural Show. If you were a visitor here this weekend, there was so much to see & do, you were spoilt for choice. 

Busy afternoon at Yandoit - above Steve, the Liberal, tucking into homemade sausage rolls brought by a local for Ian Tinetti, who wasn't there. Below, Verna met up with a couple of friends, which made for a very hectic time outside the Yandoit School!

We sat glued to the ABC Election coverage last night & were delighted when Antony Green declared Labor had won their third successive team, with the loss of very few seats. There had been very little aggro at polling booths, leading us to feel that Premier Dan Andrews' message "We're all in this together" had struck the right chord. 

This morning, after the Sunday Market, we are off to visit Leanne in Strathmore. We are heading to Adelaide next Friday, via Beachport & Kingston SE, and will be away for her birthday, watching the 2nd Test against the West Indies. We are taking gifts for her & will have an early celebration. 

Our most prolific rose at present - the lovely climber, Fourth of July, which covers one of our water tanks in the backyard

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