
Morse & friend

Sunday 28 March 2021

Daylesford Dispatch - Sunday, 28th March 2021


We started our week with another fun breakfast at the Woodshed Café - there were 8 of us & conversations flowed around the table. Bit by bit the staff are getting used to us & we have been able to order simpler fare than is on the menu if we prefer. Judi & I are enjoying the luxury of our Jasmine tea too. 

Sadly, our dear friend, Joe Rozen, died suddenly this week, aged 85. He & Glenda were our first Daylesford friends and we have wonderful memories of all the time we have spent with them both - singly & together. We are so pleased that they were able to come to lunch recently, although we didn't know at the time that we wouldn't see Joe again. He will be missed by everyone.

One of my favourite photos of Joe & Glenda all dolled up for a night out

We've enjoyed a social week in so many ways & some fun with Lewis & Morse. They both got very excited around 8am on Monday, thinking they were about to get marrow bones, like they did the previous Monday when we visited Leanne. We had to relent & give them treats to settle them down - such creatures of habit! They did like going back to The Virgin Café, and sitting outside on Friday morning. 

Wes & I have both done some painting when the weather allowed - we've had about 50mls of rain, which is very welcome, and much more manageable that NSW & Qld have been experiencing. Our hearts go out to everyone who has been impacted by the terrible floods. 

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful catch up lunch with Bryce & Debra Hatton. We have known them both for many years, as Bryce was GRE's rep when we were operating Maloney Insurance Brokers, and later he worked for us a broker for some years. They moved to Brisbane in 2005, when Bryce was offered a CEO position with an insurance company. They have three adult children & Debra has been running a gym for the past 6 years. We took them to Bad Habits Café at the Convent Gallery. The café was busy, including a table celebrating the birthday of its owner, Tina Banitska. It was the perfect venue for a leisurely lunch & afterwards we drove them around Wombat Hill Botanic Gardens before they headed to Melbourne airport & flew home.

 Lovely photo of Wes, Deb & Bryce outside the Convent Gallery

We've had a few Zoom chats - me with Leanne twice, and Kathy. Zoom is one of those benefits of COVID isolation, as it enables us to keep in visible touch with those friends who want to use it. This doesn't include Loud Gayle, who prefers to ring & keeps up the contact frequently, especially during footy season. Wes had a very successful long Zoom session with his O/S friends - Paul, the Pom; Bill, the Scot; Barry & Mike, the Yanks; and Bala & Raghu who are Indians, one living in the US. 

Judi & I went back to Bad Habits Café on Friday for a lovely lunch. Tina was helping serve tables & we had a good chat with her, as well as very yummy meals. There was no Mah Jong this week - Dot had an appointment & I needed a couple of quiet days, which I got on Wednesday & Thursday. 

A dispatch wouldn't be complete without a photo of Lewis & Morse - they have new pillowcases & were very happy to test them out yesterday afternoon

Yesterday we were very thrilled to have our first COVID vaccine injections at Springs Medical Centre. Our appointments were unexpected and very welcome. Like getting our flu injections last year, it was quite a social occasion, with everyone chatting to each other as they waited their turn, or sat recovering. We have had no adverse reactions so far. My arm is sore, but that is a very small price to pay. We even have the date booked for our follow-up injections in June - very impressive. 

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