
Morse & friend

Sunday 9 October 2016

Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 9th October 2016

Dear Friends, we weren’t allowed to discuss the footy for very long at breakfast last Sunday as Margot covers her ears and threatens to walk out. This was a shame as even David Castles, long time football atheist has jumped on the Doggies bandwagon, and was very excited. Judi, who doesn’t follow footy was prepared to be indulgent; Janine, who is an Essendon supporter was thrilled, and Wes & Barbara, the Carlton supporters, had enjoyed watching the Grand Final together.

We went home to a quiet day – after doing the washing & ironing, I sat reading the weekend’s papers and watched a replay of the game twice! My cousin, Bernard Saundry, CEO of Racing Victoria, was once CEO of Footscray. He ditched the Dons and embraced the Doggies and his family did the same. His daughter, Claire, is their dietician, and it was lovely to see her on TV during & after the game and to share her excitement on FB.

Claire holding the Cup with her father, Bernard

We woke to pouring rain again and there were 40mls in the rain gauge. I was quite asthmatic, so missed out on gym, but was well enough to get up and dressed and have another quiet day. Wes went out searching for horse manure, but wasn’t able to do much with it! Meanwhile Bilbo worked on his current favourite bone, a present from his Auntie, Leanne.

Wes spent the afternoon at the Lake House as part of a group discussing the feasibility of an Opera/Music complex at Lake Daylesford. Our good friend, Gillie Gough, was also part of the discussions, and as she attends more music performances than anyone else in Daylesford, her input was valuable. Wes, as former Mayor & Councillor, and with his big picture vision, was also able to give very useful suggestions, and we can only hope that the consultants listened and took the locals’ thoughts on board. Most of them had only visited the Lake a few minutes before the meeting, which tells you nothing about how it is used and its importance to us all.

On Tuesday I was quite unwell, and as the weather was fierce with rain squalls, hail, strong winds and the odd burst of sunshine, I decided to stay in bed. This meant I missed the U3A AGM with Fr Bob Maguire as guest speaker. I met Fr Bob when I was 17 and on a camp of some sort. He was probably the first person to take me into a pub, where we all had soft drinks. I have watched his career with interest, because even my naïve 17-year old persona knew that he was someone special, and he has lived up to every bit of that promise.
Wes showed and watched the film ‘Our Kind of Traitor’ with a small audience, who mostly came away unsatisfied. They loved the John Le Carré storyline, but not the acting.

Our tulips I rescued from the weather!

Sandra arrived to clean on Wednesday and I was due for a haircut, so decided to get up and dressed, which would allow her to clean the bedroom. I had cancelled or postponed all my appointments for the week, including a visit to Leanne, who was very understanding. However, I thought popping out locally for 30 minutes wouldn’t do too much harm and I really needed my hair cut. Although it wasn’t raining, everywhere was engulfed by fog and Wes advised locals on Facebook that a tree had fallen over on the Lake walk.

Neither of us felt particularly clever the next day, which was a shame as the sun was shining & birds were singing – the warmest day since April we were told. I stayed up until after lunch, when my eyes wouldn’t stay open!

On Friday it was shopping or starve as it had been two weeks since I had been to Coles Supermarket. I went early which is always very quiet and managed to get everything on my list with no hassles. Wes was still feeling as though he had a head cold, but went out and gave the lawns a haircut, as all the rain had really encouraged growth.

We have been enjoying the BBC One series ‘The A Word’ – don’t know anyone else who is watching it or has seen it, but it is an amazing drama about a family with a son diagnosed with autism and how they cope or otherwise with this.

Lovely photo of my niece, Michelle, and my brother, Terry, celebrating their birthdays together last Sunday.

Yesterday we both felt much better. Wes walked Bilbo early and was able to go right around the Lake avoiding the Lake House marquee set up for Larissa Wolf-Tasker’s wedding (and a perfect day she had for it). He spent the morning in the garden and everywhere is looking very loved and about to spring into bloom. I have been knitting furiously, and decided it was time to sew up the beanies & berets while watching the races at Caulfield and having a few silly bets (none of which saluted).

In the afternoon Wes went to help Margot again – her modem was misbehaving & she wanted Windows 10 downloaded. He fixed the modem, but Windows 10 proved more difficult and is a work in progress.

This morning is cool with 6 ˚– we are expecting 17˚ but wind, rain & cold in the afternoon. Bilbo is hopping from one foot to the other waiting for it to be time to go to the Sunday Market. We also have to pump water at Leitches Creek. After both those activities it will be time for Breakfast and once we get back home again, Bilbo will look a little like Snoopy for the rest of the day until 5pm dinnertime.

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