
Morse & friend

Saturday 4 May 2013

Daylesford Dispatch - Saturday, 4th May 2013

Dear Friends, when I left you last Sunday, Wes was off to the Williamstown Little Theatre with Barbara doing the driving. After I had finished making minestrone& pumpkin soup, I went outside and realised it was a perfect afternoon. The boys needed no persuading so we set off to Jubilee Lake and back. We met a spiny anteater and a black wallaby on the way but nothing and nobody else. This photo above was our view as we emerged from our walk to re-join Duke Street & home.

Our weeping Japanese Maple looking at its best
We three were quite tired after our long walk and very happy to spend a quiet night watching footy & then Rebus repeats on TV. I was well asleep by the time Wes walked in the door around 10.20pm.

That afternoon I walked to Verey Funeral Parlour in support of our friend, Ann Holden, whose mother, Lorna, died last week aged 93. Judi & Barbara were there as well, and we were so pleased we went as it was a very small funeral. Ann is an only child and has few relatives, apart from a couple of cousins and her own daughters.

The next day I was back at gym after 4 weeks’ break and really felt it after my work out! Wes spent most of the day in Ballarat as the Mazda 6 needed the brakes looked at and was overdue for a general service. He had hoped to take Barbara to hydro in the afternoon but the car wasn’t ready in time and she was delayed with her morning appointments, so he spent time at the old Ballarat Cemetery and the Library.


Lovely & Wes admiring Penny Ellsmore at lunch last Friday.

On Wednesday Wes and I went to Daylesford Mind Your Pet to choose a new waterproof mat for Bilbo & Frodo to use outside and when they are in kennels. While I was organising the order of a new canvas mat, Wes spotted an extremely comfy futon and decided it was just what the boys needed in the lounge. Our friend, David Castles, objected when I put this lovely photo up on Facebook with the line that the boys were luxuriating on their new bed. He explained that a verb is a "doing" word and these beasts don't look like they are doing anything except rolling around in indulgent luxury provided by the humans they have conned by their overall cuteness! I wonder if you agree.


It was lovely to play Mah Jong with Dot, Gail & Valerie again at Harvest Café, although we were in a draught much of the time and will have to reposition our chairs next week to make sure we are warm and cosy while playing. Afterwards I had a manicure with Michelle, then spent the afternoon and evening resting quietly. Wes went to Aperitifs and then onto Rotary& enjoyed both activities.

The next morning after gym I walked to Annie Smith’s place in Duke Street to meet her lovely dog, Rosie. Rosie is so sweet & gentle and the perfect companion. She is 9 years old and a rescue golden retriever and has fitted seamlessly into Annie’s life. Our boys will be 9 in November, so I imagine they will all get on very well when they meet.

Then we were visited by Jan Pengilley & Annemarie Borsboom from Rotary to collect our big plastic container on wheels which holds all the Rotary Show paraphernalia and two USB ports, which hold all the files necessary to run the Show this year & in the future. It is quite a relief to finally hand all this over, although we are, of course, available with advice, explanations, suggestions and any other help that the new committee requires.

Yesterday after a busy morning, we drove to Kyneton to Annie Smithers Bistrot where we had a lovely, long lunch with Ian & Robyn Robinson. Initially we spent the time toasting & then reminiscing Oscar the labradoodle, and eventually shared travel stories, swapped film plots and had the odd political discussion over a yummy meal. Every time we get together, we promise ourselves it won’t be so long before we meet again as we always enjoy our time together.


Daisy, our best…

This morning I did some early morning shopping and discovered that I was very asthmatic in the cold, so cancelled plans to help Wes at the Farmers’ Market & on the gate at Victoria Park for the Daylesford vs Illabarook games today. I feel bad leaving him on his own, but therre were plenty of Rotarians at the Market & hopefully plenty of Daylesford members to help at Vic Park.

Tomorrow after breakfast we are driving to Melbourne to visit Viva and then hope to go on to the MCG to see Carlton play Melbourne mid-afternoon. If my asthma hasn’t improved we may just come straight back home after seeing Viva.

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