
Morse & friend

Sunday 8 May 2011

Daylesford Dispatch - Sunday, 8th May, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day to Viva & all you other mothers

Dear Friends, after some lovely Autumn days, we are suddenly being introduced to Winter with some very cold mornings. We’ve had a great weekend catching up with old friends, Ron & Margo Prophet, who have been out of our lives for about 8 years. Ron spotted Wes on Facebook, followed up and they arrived yesterday afternoon for a short, but very successful visit. After hugs and kisses and a late lunch of soup and Red Beard pumpkin bread, we took them for a brief drive around the Shire, then brought them back here to prepare, as we had invited Glenn, Bronwen & John for dinner. Margo & I avoided too many duties, but Ron settled happily into a dual role of sous chef and drinks waiter.

Wes made a yummy bouillabaisse with rockling, prawns and mussels, which we accompanied with sourdough bread and baked kohlrabi. I had made a trifle, using Viva’s recipe, and then we offered Goldfields cheeses bought at the Farmer’s Market. Bronwen had made some yummy macaroons to accompany tea and coffee, so we didn’t even open the beautiful chocolates that Margo had brought, although we managed to get through most of the wine that everyone contributed! Conversation flowed, the fire added warmth and atmosphere and after everyone else had left we sat around chatting until I peeled off around 11pm, Margo at midnight and the boys at 1am.

This morning I did my usual routine with Bilbo and Frodo – early walk, and then we pumped mineral water at Leitches Creek, bought goodies at the Sunday Market, then off to breakfast. Ron & Margo coped very well with meeting more of our friends, Gail arrived in her traditional Mother’s Day outfit of dressing gown and pjs, Kim outdid himself with corn fritters to accompany the eggs, snags, bacon, mushrooms, smoked salmon, tomatoes and spinach. Gary was kept busy providing hot drinks for us, once he had given the boys their toast with vegemite.

We all went to the Sunday Market together and enjoyed wandering around, meeting Nick & Lindsay, Ruth Bray and Glen & Peta Heyne on our way, as well as lots of dogs. Then back home for a last cup of tea and chat before Ron & Margo drove back home in time to watch their son, Andrew, play hockey at the State Hockey Centre. Thank you so much for the visit – let’s not leave 8 years’ gap before we see each other again.

Ron & Margo with Andrew & Lauren flanked by Lib on the left & Viva on the right @ 246 Brunswick Road, Christmas Morning 1999

Yesterday, before our visitors arrived, we spent a very enjoyable shift on the Farmers’ Market, where everyone seemed in good spirits, and our friends, Nigel & Sandy told us they had finally sold their Bullarto property, entertained their last paying visitor, and were moving into Daylesford in a rented house while their new Fasham & Johnson house is being built on a block of land here. They have always wanted to use them as builders and just love our house – sliding doors, brickwork and all!

When I left you last Saturday, we were off to the local footy. I took Michael and Wes joined us later, after he had driven Deane to the airport. It was an exciting and close game that Hepburn won by 9 points at the end. I suspect if we hadn’t had 2 serious injuries the result could have been different. Sunday we had another big turnout for breakfast with Judi & Michael’s friend, Yvonne, and Gillie’s friend, Hilary, swelling the numbers.

After breakfast I drove to Melbourne to visit Viva, and then to Northcote to stay the night with Danny. We went off to the twilight footy together and until the Pies got their act together in the last quarter, it looked as though our pre-match drink together would be the highlight. Afterwards we had dinner in Victoria Street. The next morning, we had breakfast together in East Melbourne before Danny went to work and I drove back here in pouring rain and fog. In the meantime, Barbara drove Wes, John & Jan to the Williamstown Little Theatre to see ‘Not About Heroes’, which they all loved. Judi wasn’t well enough to go and offered their tickets to John & Jan, who enjoyed the experience of the tiny theatre and dinner afterwards at the pub.

Celia, Lauren, Danny & Greta on Greta’s wedding day – 3 beautiful young women with their proud father

The rest of Monday was quiet, although Wes played Chess in the afternoon with Barbara and John Smith, who has joined U3A to do this class. We missed golf on Tuesday as well, as Wes had breakfast with his nephew, Leon, and I made a big pot of minestrone soup before having a massage with Ann. We were sorry not to play golf, but we just can’t fit everything in!

On Wednesday we met Jim Swatman, the Irishman who is incoming Rotary President, to discuss his needs for the Bulletin, which we have agreed to do for his year. We spent 90 minutes talking about his vision for his year and not much on the Bulletin, except for the request to include a shamrock. Then I went off to play Mah Jong with Valerie and Dot and we had a most enjoyable morning catching up on each other’s news and sharing the Mah Jongs around.

That night, Wes was Chairman at Rotary, where Jan Thompson, who founded ‘Strong Classes’ was the Guest Speaker. She was very good and will no doubt recruit some new members, especially as she didn’t push her classes, but spoke about her journey. I had invited Jan Smith to attend, as I knew she was interested in meeting Jan Thompson and learning about Strong.

The next day, Nicole came to cut my hair, give me a henna and keep me updated on gossip. Then Wes and I spent an hour or two designing a new Bulletin cover for Jim, which he promptly reviewed and asked for a few more impossible things. Fortunately I thought of asking Callum Preston in Seattle for help and he came back with a clip art line of coloured stick figures holding hands – thank you so much Callum, perfect! Wes is loving scanning old photos and working on the Family Tree.

By Friday we were running out of minestrone, and I had to make a curry for dinner. I caught up with Carol Bruce at Cafe 3460 to hear all about ‘Dr Zhivago’, which she and Marjorie had seen on Wednesday. Gillie had invited us and Glenn to drinks to say goodbye to Judi & Michael who left yesterday morning for a week in Noosa catching up with family. We had a stimulating and indulgent hour or so in Gillie’s lounge drinking beautiful wine and demolishing wonderful cheeses and dips. Then home for eggplant curry and early to bed in preparation for the busy weekend just gone.

1976 – outside the House of Dunhill in London!

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