A weekly look at life with the Maloneys and their Labrador, Morse - mostly in Daylesford, Australia, and occasionally interstate or overseas
Morse & friend
Sunday, 31 December 2023
Daylesford New Year's Eve Dispatch - Sunday, 31st December 2023
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Daylesford Christmas Eve Dispatch - Sunday, 24th December 2023
I'd love to see inside Snoopy's kennel!
We had a wonderful time at the Daylesford Market last Sunday - gave gifts to Yvonne, Ken & Jeff - all of which were well received. Yvonne & Ken had gone to a lot of trouble with Morse's pear as you can see from the photo below. Our neighbour, Glen, made it to the Market for the first time since mid-January, and loved being able to walk around the stalls and chat with the owners & other locals there. As well, a couple of locals, Wendy, and Jan, both made a fuss of Morse, so he was in 7th heaven by the time we headed home.
After we had washed all our produce and put it away, we took Morse with us to Daylesford Cemetery to see if we could find my Burman relatives that are buried there. We didn't have any luck, but as there was no-one else at the Cemetery, and as it is fully fenced, we let Morse run free, which he loved. So many smells to sniff and places to explore - he didn't want to leave.
Kathy gave us this fuchsia to take home, which is a cutting from a cutting that Kathy took when we had a holiday house in Blairgowrie with Paul & Sherryn Danaher, back in the late 80s, early 90s
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Daylesford Summer Dispatch - Sunday, 17th December 2023
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Daylesford Summer Dispatch - Sunday, 10th December 2023
This is for Wes, who loves Peppermint Patty!
We've managed a less busy week than the previous one - both of us were quite tired at the end of it. The big highlight last Sunday was the AFLW Grand Final at Princes Park, which had a great atmosphere, good entertainment and a nail-biting game to go with it. North Melbourne led at every change, but the Brisbane Lions were too good in the last quarter and scored 4 goals to post a deserved win.
On Monday, we spent School cleaning the study, which is quite a big job - dusting, polishing, vacuuming, cleaning the floors, windows & flywire screens, which necessitates moving just about everything in it. Wes did all the heavy stuff, while I managed the dusting & polishing. Morse avoided helping and slept in the lounge with his friends instead.
The hot weather really knocks me out, so I try to get everything I need to do, finished in the morning, so I can stay inside with the air-conditioning in the afternoon. This suits Morse, who also finds the heat too much for him. Wes is able to cope better, but limits his time out in the sun. That night, Wes had a Zoom with his Godson, Danny, in Fortitude Valley, Queensland.
On Tuesday, I was finally able to have a good catch up with my aunt, Jeff, in Lincolnshire. She has an ancient i-pad and the quality of our Messenger chats is sporadic at best. It had been snowing in Torksey Lock over the weekend, and she had been snowed in, but was warm & had plenty of provisions. Afterwards, I Zoomed with my sister, Leanne, in Strathmore, and we made plans for her birthday lunch this Sunday. That afternoon, Wes had a phone call with Helen Hanrahan, in Lower Plenty, something they both enjoy.
We were busy on Wednesday morning - while Wes had an early Zoom with Paul Jackson in England, I took Morse in the car to deliver newspapers to Spring Park Nursery, and Epicures to Nick & Robyn Massaro in Porcupine Ridge. Morse travels well in the car and loves looking out the window or resting his chin on the back seat & watching the cars behind him.
We arrived back home in time for me to go to Mah Jong with Judi, leaving Wes to vacuum and wash the floors, visit the electrician, collect new glasses at the optometrist, and come home with a bottle of Hendricks gin for me!
Our dining room table is looking very Christmassy!
Our neighbour, Glen, has had a fall & sprained ligaments in her foot - the same leg that shattered in January and has kept her confined to quarters most of this year. She is coping remarkably well, as this is an unexpected set-back. Her doctor is optimistic that she will recover quickly. We've both been available to help with whatever she needs, most needs being met by her daughter, Sarah, who iced & strapped her foot when it happened.
On Thursday, I had my weekly Zoom catch up with Old Friends, where everyone had a story to tell about a friend or family member not in good health. We chatted about our Christmas plans, which all sounded perfect, and we'll enjoy debriefing in the New Year about how they all went.
Ashram roses & reindogs at our front door
On Friday, Glen hosted, from her divan, the postponed get-together of us, Rob & Dene. We had hoped to be sitting under her beautiful plum tree, but the weather wasn't conducive, nor was Glen's foot, so we enjoyed sitting in a circle in her lounge looking out at her lovely garden and sharing stories. I opened a bottle of 2008 Vintage Veuve Cliquot that Gayle Gibson gave me 5 years ago, and we toasted Collingwood's Premiership, as well as being together. Before they drove back home, Rob & Dene came to our place to spend a few minutes with Morse, who was very excited to see them.
Glen, Karen, Rob & Dene
During this week, Wes has been in touch with an artist, Ryan Brearley, who he met through Ancestry, because Ryan has been researching Edward Kimpton, an Australian artist, for his art history. Wes has also been researching Ted, because we have four of his paintings, which were a wedding present to us from his brother, Les. We were thrilled to discover that Ted was twice an Archibald finalist, and that he has works in Albury, Ballarat, Castlemaine & Langwarrin galleries.
My favourite Ted Kimpton painting