- We've both spent time in the garden & it is looking beautiful with lots of rose, green grass (amazing at the end of December) & all the herbs & seedlings are doing well too.
- I've had a few indulgences - facial, remedial massage, manicure & brunch with Judi @Muffins & More café
- We've feasted on Western Australian rock lobsters one night and enjoyed a whole snapper last night, preceded by oysters
- We've had phone calls & Zooms with friends & families, as well as mourned the loss of Daylesford icon, Allan Wolf-Tasker, died last Tuesday, far too soon, of an aggressive cancer.
A weekly look at life with the Maloneys and their Labrador, Morse - mostly in Daylesford, Australia, and occasionally interstate or overseas
Morse & friend
Sunday, 25 December 2022
Daylesford Christmas Dispatch - Sunday, 25th December 2022
Sunday, 18 December 2022
Daylesford Summer Dispatch - Sunday, 18th December 2022
Morse wasn't interested in food of any description, just wanted to be with us, particularly Wes, when he arrived home
Last Sunday was driving back home to Daylesford & a very lovely drive it was, even though it was raining much of the time. We had made sure we ate breakfast before we left our Cottage & stopped three times for hot drinks & biscuits on our way. We left Adelaide at 7.30am & arrived back here at 4pm, where Wes promptly jumped into action & washed both cars. Pearl was looking particularly dirty after 1,600km on the road.
Meanwhile, I unpacked our suitcases, turned on all the power points and did a couple of loads of washing. We sat down with fish & chips & a bottle of Riesling at 6.30pm, watched a bit of TV and found ourselves in bed & asleep not long after.
On Monday, we both woke early - me because I had thank-you gifts to deliver, supermarket shopping to do & medications to collect from the pharmacy. Wes collected Morse and drove to Wheatsheaf, where Yvonne had our fruit & vegetables waiting for us. Morse was delighted when he arrived home, raced around looking at everything, drank lots of water, ignored a bone & some celery & leapt into Wes's arms as soon as he sat down.
Sardines on toast & omelette with smoked trout
That afternoon, Wes headed off to Victor Szwed's place for a boys' sausage sizzle & film afternoon - with Jeff Bain, Brian Nash, Danny Moynihan & a new chum, Ivan. He really enjoyed the get-together & it was good for Morse to have to cope without him again, although when Wes arrived home, it was dinner time & Morse abandoned his meal to greet his Daddy with great enthusiasm!
The next morning, while Wes had a well-earned rest, I delivered more of our Christmas thank you gifts and had some wonderful responses. The best was at The Convent, where Tina invited me to have a pot of tea and sit with her for a chat. When I left, she had given me a bottle of sparkling to celebrate our Anniversary back in June & a bottle of shiraz, which she meant to give Wes for his birthday last month.
These stunning Christmas lilies were waiting for us when we arrived home last Sunday - thank you Judi - we love them & the perfume is beautiful!
Yesterday was fun - we both spent the morning in the garden - me planting Jalapeno chillies, purple petunias, Roma tomato seedlings & cucumbers. Wes did some pruning and mowed everywhere, so the back yard looks cared for again. Afterwards we drove to the Great Western Hotel in Ballan, for Christmas lunch with our friend & current neighbour, Glen, as well as our old neighbours, Rob & Dene, who will be moving to Ballan next month.
We enjoyed a wonderful catch up over good food & wine in a very relaxed atmosphere. I suspect this hotel will become Rob & Dene's local very quickly as their new home is within walking distance of it. Dene was delighted with the small posy of Pumpkin Patch roses that I had picked for him, and in return we were both thrilled to receive one of his home-made Christmas cakes, most of which will travel with me to the Windsor on Christmas night, and provide sustenance during the Boxing Day Test.
We came home to watch the rest of Day 1 of the Brisbane Test, with Australia 7 runs behind South Africa's first innings. However, we still have 5 wickets in hand as we have much more batting depth than they do. It was an exciting day's cricket with 299 runs scored & 15 wickets taken. Our friends, Jane & David Knox were there and caught up with other mutual friends, Chris & Bill Waterhouse (pictured) after the game.
Sunday, 11 December 2022
Adelaide Summer Dispatch - Sunday, 11th December 2022
Sunday, 4 December 2022
Daylesford Summer Dispatch - Sunday, 4th December 2022
Sunday, 27 November 2022
Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 27th November, 2022
Dog owners can all relate to this!
It was wild & woolly last Sunday, but Wes managed to walk Morse & we both went to the Market without getting too wet. We did feel sorry for the stall-holders, who lose lots of customers when it is cold & raining unexpectedly in November.
On Monday, Wes & Morse managed a walk before the rain came back down and I did the grocery shop at Coles - an inexpensive one as the shelves were bare of quite a few of the items on our list. Later I had a massage with Sarah, which did me the world of good & I felt more energised than I had since COVID struck us. The rain squalled around all day, punctuated by moments of sunshine.
Wes & Morse tucked up for the afternoon
It was wet again on Tuesday, but Wes & Morse got a lap of Lake Daylesford done before it started pouring. I had Zoom chats with Jeff, Leanne & Jan & finished the morning with a lovely facial at EKO.
On Wednesday, Wes & Morse had a moist walk early, and while I played Mah Jong with Judi, Wes vacuumed & washed the floors. Morse doesn't enjoy being locked out while this goes on, so he was pleased when I arrived back home & we were both allowed inside.
In the afternoon Wes participated in two Zoom meetings - firstly Hepburn Matters, followed by our local ALP Branch Meeting. Two of the movers & shakers had come down with COVID, so there needed to be some tweaking of the duty roster for yesterday's Victorian State election.
The next day I enjoyed a good chat with old friends - Kathy, Karen, Lib & Joyce before going in search of large Christmas serviettes in Daylesford for Leanne - I had no luck whatsoever & am only hoping that she has some tucked away in a cupboard that we find this morning when we visit.
Friday was spent making Christmas puddings. Wes came up with the brilliant suggestion that I turn the mixture into two puddings as we don't really need the extra large size anymore, especially when there are only three of us having Christmas lunch together this year.
Luckily, Judi had given me quite a lot of unbleached calico a few years ago & I could easily produce two pudding cloths. Morse didn't know what to do - the Sunbeam Mixmaster was going strong in the kitchen & Wes was mowing outside - he really doesn't like loud noises & ended up in the laundry, wishing he had ear-muffs I am sure.
Yesterday was the Victorian State Election. Along with lots of others we voted early, using the postal vote facility. However, Wes really enjoys handing out How to Vote cards, so he did the 10-12 shift at Daylesford Primary School and 2-4pm at Yandoit. He caught up with lots of friends & came home with news from them all. I visited the Daylesford Farmers' Market, but didn't fit in the Daylesford Agricultural Show. If you were a visitor here this weekend, there was so much to see & do, you were spoilt for choice.
Busy afternoon at Yandoit - above Steve, the Liberal, tucking into homemade sausage rolls brought by a local for Ian Tinetti, who wasn't there. Below, Verna met up with a couple of friends, which made for a very hectic time outside the Yandoit School!
We sat glued to the ABC Election coverage last night & were delighted when Antony Green declared Labor had won their third successive team, with the loss of very few seats. There had been very little aggro at polling booths, leading us to feel that Premier Dan Andrews' message "We're all in this together" had struck the right chord.
This morning, after the Sunday Market, we are off to visit Leanne in Strathmore. We are heading to Adelaide next Friday, via Beachport & Kingston SE, and will be away for her birthday, watching the 2nd Test against the West Indies. We are taking gifts for her & will have an early celebration.
Our most prolific rose at present - the lovely climber, Fourth of July, which covers one of our water tanks in the backyard
Sunday, 20 November 2022
Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 20th November 2022
Snoopy sounds like a Labrador 🤣
Sunday, 13 November 2022
Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 13th November 2022
We feel bad any time we have to leave a Labrador, let alone for a few days!
Thanks again to everyone who has kept an eye on us, sent messages, wished us well & generally empathised with our plight. It was strange not to be visiting the Market last Sunday, and we spent a very quiet day, enlivened by a close victory by the Collingwood AFLW team against the brave Bulldogs, which meant we got to play Adelaide yesterday, where we were beaten by a better side that coped well with the delays in play because of lightning!
Each morning this week, we woke feeling a little better than the day before, but not quite well enough to venture out in the world. We were very grateful for our neighbour, Glen, who posted cards, checked the PO Box, put out the bins & went to Tonna's for us when rations were getting low. The weather was lovely, and I wandered around the garden each day, noticing the odd rose & iris in bloom, as well as the lavender, carnations & petunias. We have lots of herbs doing well on the main decking, and some bush peas & radishes too.
I planted these gazanias last year as seedlings & nothing happened. They've just flowered & I swear they are foxgloves!
Finally on Wednesday, we had both stopped shedding the virus, were negative when we did our RATs & went to Coles to do our supermarket shopping. It was a strange feeling being out & about after so long, but lovely to be back in control. I returned a library book, checked our PO Box, had a fringe trim with Lyndal & collected the latest issue of The Local. Wes went to Mitre 10 to get a plunger to unblock the downstairs bathroom sink & some new gardening gloves. He also stocked up on whisky & gin as we started to feel like drinking spirits again.
Another gem from FB
We both enjoyed getting back into our Zoom chats, although we started slowly. Wes chatted with his Godson, Danny, in Queensland, as well as his friend, Barbara, in New Zealand. I had a couple of short sessions with Leanne, who had been very understanding & patient during the past fortnight. As well, I was able to catch up with old friends - Kathy, Karen, Lib & Joyce, who were all pleased to be back to normal with our weekly Zoom.
Sunday, 6 November 2022
Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 6th November, 2022
There's not much to report this week as we've both been lying low waiting for our COVID symptoms to pass. We have been isolating, of course, as we wouldn't want to give this to anyone. Thank God we were able to access antivirals, which probably diminished the degree to which we were attacked, but neither of us wants to go through this again.
Thanks to everyone who responded when they read the news - we were inundated with well-wishers by email, text, Messenger & What's Ap. I cancelled everything that was on this past week, but Wes, who was three days ahead of me with recovery, was able to handle a couple of Zoom chats. He also made meals when the soup ran out, produced hot lemon drinks at the drop of a hat & looked after Morse, who was very happy to be spending all his time with us.
Here is Morse yesterday, fresh from a bath, celebrating his 4th birthday
We watched Melbourne Cup week races at Flemington, put on some bets, won some, lost some, as you do & ended up square over the week. The win by Gold Trip of the Cup itself was most exciting & well-deserved & the crowd to see him was amazing considering the wild, wet & not so warm weather.
I went for a walk around Maloney Folly yesterday to see what had been happening in the garden while we were in bed & was delighted to see our weeping Japanese maple had done its thing. As well our only rhododendron now has a single flower & it won't be long before there are roses in bloom. The lavender & seaside daisies are going crazy & the banksia rose is climbing over the arches in the back.
We do hope to be back on track this week, although I have cancelled or postponed most activities as we have been warned about doing too much & suffering a relapse or just being too tired.
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 30th October, 2022
This handful of white tulips appeared from nowhere - not sure where the red, yellow & purple ones have gone!
Sunday, 23 October 2022
Daylesford Spring Dispatch - Sunday, 23rd October 2022
It's been that way here for the past week or so
Our week started well with a great visit to Leanne. No NDIS cleaner had brought a vacuum cleaner for the past three weeks, so we took ours & Wes gave everywhere a good clean, much to her delight. We also helped fill her bins, took some stuff for the op shops & enjoyed a good chat to boot! We were both tired by the time we arrived back home, where Morse had tried to bury his big bone in quite a few spots & had fallen asleep in exhaustion!
There used to be a third rhubarb plant in this bed before the bone was buried here
On Monday, Wes decided we needed entertainment for School as I was having a procedure to remove growths afterwards, and he chose the wonderful 1969 film, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, starring a very young Maggie Smith. What a wonderful film, based on the excellent book of the same name by Muriel Spark.
When we arrived for my appointment with Dr Ellie, she had chatted with another doctor & they had both decided it would be preferable to try freezing the growths off, rather than cutting them. I was very happy with that decision, so Ellie did some aggressive freezing & we'll see how they are in a fortnight.
It's been a busy week for Zooms - two good chats with Leanne, a lovely catch up with Jan Pengilley in Maleny, as well as a most enjoyable talk with Old Friends. Plus, I had a manicure with Juls, which can take anything from 1-1.5 hours depending on how much she has to say; a fringe trim with Lyndal, who has been working hard keeping her trotters on dry land during this rain, and a long-overdue brunch with Rhonda at Cliffy's.
Instead of playing Mah Jong this week, Wes & I met up with Dot & John at Muffins & More for cuppas & a chat. The café was busy as usual & we greeted a few friends, as well as enjoyed seeing visitors gaze in amazement at the size of their meals!
New doona cover in celebration of warmer weather
We were very sad to hear of the sudden death of old friend, Ron Paoli this week. Wes discovered Ron was in palliative care on Wednesday & exchanged texts with him - by Thursday he had died. There will be a celebration of his life next month. We met Ron & his wife, Rina, through Brunswick Rotary in the 80s & stayed in touch over the years. He will be missed.