We started this week as usual with a great visit to the Sunday Market, where masks were optional, and people had nothing to complain about. We are wearing ours where possible, especially where there are visitors about, because we feel safer. Breakfast was fun with lots of good stories between the eight of us.
Lewis & Morse continued their love affair with their giant marrow bones until Monday morning, when we removed them from sight. They certainly got value out of them, but we won't be encouraging gifts of whole marrow bones again. Wes has filled in all the holes in the back yard & garden beds, the flies have gone in search of other prey and life is back to normal.
Lewis & Morse trying to remember where they last saw their bones!
On Monday School, we chatted about our finances and the recommendations from our financial advisors, First Samuel. We were able to rein in spending during lockdown, and with the pension, are managing to live within our means, with the prospect of surviving here in our home in Daylesford for at least the next 12 years.
Like many of you with gardens, we are enjoying a second burst of roses and I can keep three vases for us, and one for Dene next-door, filled with fresh flowers each week. I have fallen in love with the beautiful petunia, King of Spades, (purple & yellow stripes) and we have 10 plants dotted around the place, thanks to Ken, Dot & Chris Rae at Spring Park Nursery.

You can also buy King of Hearts, which is red & white striped, King of Diamonds, which is purple and white striped & Queen of Hearts, which is red & yellow striped. They are all rather stunning.
Sadly, my aunt, Jeff, has been unwell with food poisoning, and we were unable to have our regular early Tuesday morning chat. Jeff was hoping to spend the next couple of weeks in Berkshire with her son, Mike, and family, but that is on hold. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.
However, I have chatted with Leanne twice, Terry Borg, and Kathy Lazzaro, and joined Wes in our fortnighly catch up with Mike & Linda Kirby. As well, Wes has wished his cousin, Gary Testro, a Happy Christmas with a final Zoom for the year.
On Wednesdays I am often quite busy after our early walk. I drive to Eganstown to deliver the week's supply of newspapers to Spring Park Nursery; then off to Porcupine Ridge, where I drop off empty jam jars, the week's Epicure magazines & a copy of The Local, our must-read weekly paper. My next trip is to Leitches Creek to pump mineral water, which I much prefer drinking to tap water. I have 6 big bottles that I fill & they usually last me the week. On my way back into town, I sometimes stop at Daylesford Cemetery and say hello to Annie & David Smith, particularly on behalf of their daughter, Fiona, who is back home in Fremantle & can't be here to do it.
I quite often have an appointment after that - fringe trim or cut with Lyndal, who works from home in King Street near Victoria Park or a manicure with Alanna, who is in Main Road, Hepburn Springs. Next year, I'll be heading to Muffins & More, to meet up with Dot & Judi for Mah Jong.
My final chore is to park somewhere near Vincent Street and visit the Post Office to collect our mail, before walking down the main block & getting whatever is needed that day - could be date scones for afternoon tea from Baker's Delight; serviettes or shower caps from the Bargain shop; dog biscuits & treats from Daylesford Mind Your Pet, or cards & scratchies from the Daylesford Newsagency.
We were back at Boathouse Daylesford on Thursday for a wonderful pre-Christmas catch up with Judi & Michael. We see Judi at least weekly, but not Michael, and it was lovely to be the four of us enjoying a beautiful lunch by the lake. When we walked in, we were delighted to see Dot & John Smith having lunch with friends as well.
I've been glued to the First Test against the Indians, which was played at the beautiful Adelaide Oval. It was an amazing win by the Aussies in under 3 days, after the Indians looked on top, but collapsed for their lowest Test score ever in the 2nd Innings. We have attended all the previous pink ball day-night Tests there, but were not interested in travelling to South Australia (or anywhere much) this time. There is still too much COVID-19 around & too much complacency to go with it. We have our fingers crossed that the NSW Northern Beaches cluster can be contained quickly.
Morse & Lewis rivetted by the cricket yesterday afternoon
Wes hasn't been well towards the end of the week & spent some time in bed, hoping that rest & sleep will do the trick. He has been good enough to walk the boys with me each morning, as they are too strong for me to manage on my own. However, his ears are now blocked as well, and we decided he could have a sleep in this morning while I fed the boys early (much to their delight).