Friends, we have been struggling this week as you can imagine and finding it
hard to get back into projects. I have been doing lots of crosswords and logic
puzzles while watching cricket and tennis with the TV sound down and the radio
on. Wes has tried to work in the garden, but ends up in front of the computer
trying to lose himself in Our early morning walks with Bilbo are
going well and he is enjoying being able to trot along by our side instead of
being pulled from pillar to post by his brother. I did try throwing balls for
him one afternoon, but ended up retrieving them myself, so we have decided to
just let him find his own way back to equilibrium.
Greta discovered Frodo had died, she suggested that she visit us, which
thrilled us very much, so she, Penny & Danny are all coming for lunch
tomorrow. Bilbo will be delighted to meet Penny and we can only hope that will
be reciprocated. He will also be happy to see Danny as they met on the boys’
first weekend home 9 years ago almost to the day. Tom & Deb have also made
a date for lunch here in February and they will bring their dogs with them.
23 January 2005 –
Bilbo sitting up alert and Frodo relaxing – nothing ever changed!
have been overwhelmed by all the messages of support we have received since
Frodo’s death. Thanks so much to everyone for emails, phone calls, FB messages
and flowers. We were especially overwhelmed by the beautiful flowers and kind
words from Andrew & Annette at Eureka Kennels, where the boys felt very
much at home and were looked after nearly as well as at Maloney Folly. Thank
you also to Lib, who hasn’t been well, but showed her feelings by sending us a very lovely box of exquisite pink &
white blooms.
were pleased to get back to semi-normal by going to gym on Tuesday and Thursday;
and I met up with Dot, Gail & Valerie for our first Mah Jong of the year on
Wednesday. We had hoped to see the final screening of The Book Thief on Tuesday night at the Rex Cinema, but didn’t like
to leave Bilbo for 3 hours.
enjoyed the visit by Jan Smith on Monday at lunchtime. She arrived with a card
and flowers for us, and Bilbo sat on her feet the whole time. On Thursday, Joe
Rozen dropped in as he hadn’t known about either death and it was lovely to see
him as well.
spent Friday in Melbourne visiting Joan Testro in the morning and Leanne in the
afternoon. It rained all morning in Daylesford, which was very welcome, so I
took Bilbo shopping in the car with me, and later we walked up to the Post
Office together to make sure we both had some exercise. In the afternoon I
tried playing ball with him and he responded by retrieving it a few times,
which was very good to see. Wes arrived home around 5.30pm very tired but happy
with his day.
you know, I am a big fan of cards and flowers and have been thrilled to receive
so many of both from our friends and families. Just as last week’s flowers were
past their best, a huge bunch of glorious Christmas lilies arrived from Leigh
& Simon Murrin one day and a lovely box of brightly coloured gerberas and
Asiatic lilies came the next day from Terry & Georgie Borg. Thank you to
everyone for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
Bilbo & Frodo
walking at dawn around the Lake on 6th January this year
Saturday we decided to go to Ballarat to collect a few things we can’t get
locally, such as new cushions for the outdoor setting, sticky address labels
& a one litre bottle of Jameson’s Whisky. We took Bilbo with us and he
enjoyed the outing. We had just arrived home when Eddie & Jenny Beacham
were on the doorstep with a home-made cake and some hugs.
morning I am about to take Bilbo shopping, then off to the Sunday Market &
breakfast. Wes is watering the garden, the kookaburras are laughing, there are
ducks up and down our street; the roses are blooming in profusion and all’s
well with the world. I promise to be back to normal with next week’s Dispatch.